在Tallinn更新Estonia Digital Nomad Visa | Renewing Estonia Digital Nomad Visa in Tallinn

因为我的Digital Nomad Visa即将到期,而我目前正身处爱沙尼亚的塔林,因此我决定选择在这里更新我的数字游牧签证(DNV)。


  1. 签证申请表
  2. 收入证明 – 我使用的是银行月结单,其中工资转账明确注明为“Salary”。
  3. 保险 – 保险单上注明在申根地区或爱沙尼亚有效,有效期需要超过签证申请表中的“Expiry date of a visa”。
  4. 个人简历
  5. 在职证明 – 介绍申请人的月收入、合同期限以及允许申请人远程工作的情况。
  6. 公司的注册证明书
  7. 证明公司没有拖欠税款的文件 或 公司给申请人交纳了社会保险/养老保险的文件
  8. 申请该签证的申请信



  • 每个月的收入
  • 我的工作经历
  • 公司为我交纳的养老保险
  • 选择在塔林生活的原因
  • 我强调了我没有来自欧盟的客户,并且不会在爱沙尼亚工作或领取工资。

我选择在塔林的Pinna Service Office递交了申请,于1月4号提交了文件,1月11号收到邮件通知我可以前去领取。


  • 只接受现金
  • 必须在早上9点开门时提交材料,下午去可能不愿意给你办。


Due to the impending expiration of my Digital Nomad Visa and my current presence in Tallinn, Estonia, I have decided to renew my Digital Nomad Visa (DNV) here.

For this renewal, I have submitted the following documents:

  1. Visa application form
  2. Income proof – I utilized monthly bank statements, with salary transfers explicitly labeled as “Salary.”
  3. Insurance – The insurance policy specifies its validity in the Schengen area or Estonia, with an expiration period surpassing the specified “Expiry date of a visa” on the visa application form.
  4. Personal resume
  5. Employment certificate – Providing details on the applicant’s monthly income, contract duration, and permission for remote work.
  6. Company registration certificate
  7. Document proving the company’s tax compliance or evidence of the company’s contribution to the applicant’s social insurance/pension insurance.
  8. Letter of application for the visa.

The most crucial aspect of the application is demonstrating a monthly income exceeding 4500 euros, and supporting documents have been translated into English.

In the application letter, I emphasize the following points:

  • Monthly income
  • Work experience
  • Company’s contribution to my pension insurance
  • Reasons for choosing to live in Tallinn
  • I emphasize that I do not have clients from the EU and will not be working or receiving wages in Estonia.

I submitted my application at the Pinna Service Office in Tallinn, and I handed in the documents on January 4th. I received an email notification on January 11th, instructing me to collect my visa.

Important notes:

  • Cash payments only
  • Materials must be submitted at the opening time of 9 AM; processing may be limited in the afternoon.


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