虽说10年就已经拿到了操作证…但是各种原因+拖延症导致今年五月份才去验机申请呼号…不过 终于有呼号啦~BH1SKS 各位请多多指教! 閱讀全文 拖了两年多。。。终于把呼号申请下来了
分類: 杂
打电话问我收没收到信用卡申请成功的礼品 閱讀全文 婊一婊光大银行和光大信用卡
WHR-G301N(G300N V2)修砖小计
如果你的WHR-G301N(G300N V2)出现电源灯亮 DIAG灯闪烁无法进入系统变砖的情况可以参考我的做法
本教程所有操作在Ubuntu系统上完成 閱讀全文 WHR-G301N(G300N V2)修砖小计
Amazon EC2 RHEL6.5 X64安装Apache MySQL5.5 PHP
没啥好写的 把最近做的都丢上来吧 閱讀全文 Amazon EC2 RHEL6.5 X64安装Apache MySQL5.5 PHP
Linode Centos6.5 X64+PPTP+L2TP安装流程
(markdown用的不太熟练) 閱讀全文 Linode Centos6.5 X64+PPTP+L2TP安装流程
看完 伊里野的天空 我泪奔了…
想说的不多 一部好动画 我哭了很久…真的…太让我感动了!
2013.04.04-05 补完[欢迎来到NHK] 各种感想
Proxmark3 Android客户端proxdroid 安装方法
Hello, Today I installed Proxmark3 on my Galaxy Nexus successfully. I very much appreciate this guy who build a project named proxdroid. You can check it Here
You can also find executable proxmark3 and three library files (libusb.so libreadline.so libtermcap.so) that I compiled.
How to run this on android?
Your android phone must be ROOTED at first.你的手机必须已经Root
Download the four files from below link.下载这个~
Copy three *.so to /system/lib and proxmark3 to /system/bin respectively.把.so文件放到目录/system/lib proxmark3 文件放到目录/system/bin
Open your terminal on android phone. (I will omit some words that you can see PM3 on your own device more earlier)将PM3与手机连接 在终端输入proxmark3
Good Luck~ -
Copy three *.so to /system/lib and proxmark3 to /system/bin respectively.
Open your terminal on android phone. (I will omit some words that you can see PM3 on your own device more earlier)
Good Luck~